How (not) to be an asshole

My dictionary suggests that asshole means a stupid or vulgar person. But that doesn't capture the current usage. An asshole is a person who puts their own interests ahead of the people around them. Assholes push into queues, threaten you if you call them out, perv on vulnerable people, take up three seats on a … Continue reading How (not) to be an asshole

Moose and Mouse and other Children’s books – some reviews

Moose and Mouse book cover

On Sunday I read a pile of story books to my grandson G, aged 3½. Here are my reviews of four of them. Moose and Mouse by Colin West This book owes much to Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel and Fred and Ted's Road Trip by Peter Eastman (both of which are … Continue reading Moose and Mouse and other Children’s books – some reviews